Whistleblower Cases
What do you do if you learn that your employer or another company is engaging in illegal activity? In many situations, you may be able to report the wrongdoing to the appropriate governmental agency, be protected from retaliation by your employer, and receive a monetary award if the government fines or recovers ill-gotten funds from your employer.
The False Claims Act is one of the primary laws available to whistleblowers. The False Claims Act is a federal law that seeks to hold individuals, companies, and organizations liable for defrauding the U.S. government. Under the act, persons who come forward with knowledge of illegal, fraudulent, or deceptive conduct by corporations, companies, or individuals (known as “whistleblowers”), are entitled to a percentage of any damages that the government recovers. At Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton, our experienced attorneys have the resources, skills, and necessary knowledge to handle these types of complicated claims. We have successfully assisted whistleblowers under the False Claims Act, recovering more than one billion dollars on behalf of the U.S. Treasury throughout our decades of legal practice. Our team is ready to assist you through the entire process, offering exceptional representation and sound legal counsel.
The False Claims Act applies to a number of industries. Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton has helped plaintiffs pursue claims under the act in a variety of areas.
Common claims that fall under the Act include fraud in the following areas:
- Healthcare
- Education
- Finance
- Environmental regulation
- Military
- Government contracts
- Pharmaceutical
- Scientific research
False Claim Act cases can arise under many different factual scenarios. Some common examples of misconduct that can lead to a violation of the False Claims Act include:
- Billing the U.S. government (or a governmental agency such as Medicare) for services were not actually performed.
- Paying “kickbacks” to healthcare providers. For example, a medical lab may violate the False Claim Act if it pays commissions to a doctor’s office that are based on the number of tests referred to the lab.
When fraud is committed against the United States government, it is akin to stealing from our nation’s taxpayers. Our False Claims Act attorneys are committed to helping whistleblowers stop illegal activities that go against the best interests of our government, our citizens, and our country.
Hare Wynn has handled whistleblower action in a number of areas, including healthcare, education, and government contracting. If you have knowledge of a company engaging in a kickback scheme or defrauding the government, please contact the Alabama whistleblower attorneys at Hare Wynn for a free consultation.